What is Telkom IoT Platform?

Telkom IoT Platform is an IoT technology service that can easily connect, manage, automate various devices or sensors, and visualize stored device data in a personal dashboard which can be customized to customer needs. With Research, Innovation, and Collaboration business model, Telkom IoT Platform has wide coverage target market such as academics, B2B to large institutions as users.


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About Telkomgroup

PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) is a state-owned information and communications technology enterprise and telecommunications network in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia is the majority shareholder with 52.09 percent shares while the remaining 47.91 percent shares belong to public shareholders. Telkom’s shares are traded on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) where it is listed as “TLKM” and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which lists it as “TLK”.

As it transforms to become a digital telecommunication company, TelkomGroup implements a customer-oriented business and company operational strategy. The transformation aims to trim down TelkomGroup’s organization to be leaner and more agile in adapting the fast-changing nature of telecommunications industry. The new organization is expected to be able to improve efficiency and be more effective in producing a quality customer experience.

TelkomGroup’s activities grow and change in accordance to the development of new technology, information and digitalization, but still within the corridor of telecommunications and information technology. This is evident in the newly developed business lines, which complements the company’s existing legacy business.

Digital Connectivity

Fiber to the x (FTTx), 5G, Software Defined Networking (SDN)/ Network Function Virtualization (NFV)/ Satellite.

Digital Platform

Data Center, Cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data/ Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity.

Digital Connectivity

Enterprise, Consumer