
Digitizing systems and devices by building an IoT ecosystem for the agricultural and plantation sectors as one of the largest business sectors in an agrarian country like Indonesia. This includes all kinds of business related to soil nutrients and plantation.

Use Cases

1. Durian Smart Plantation

Durian Smart Plantation is a digital solution that utilizes IoT to monitor soil fertility and moisture conditions in plantations. This solution develops a Smart Watering Distribution System to treat water and fertilizer concentrates on soil conditions according to the data generated by sensors from IoT. In tree mapping and garden management, Durian Smart Plantation uses remote sensing technology through an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and displays data through digital applications that are accessed via the website.

2. Soil Nutrients Monitoring

Soil Nutrients Monitoring is a solution for developing soil nutrient sensor devices in the designated land area to get Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, pH, Moisture and Electric Conductivity measurement content to determine what types of plants are suitable to be planted in the area. This sensor is also equipped with battery power, GPS, a waterproof design and LoRa connectivity so it can monitors soil nutrients for a long period of time (low cost and low maintenance), and can be monitored through the personal dashboard.